Celery is considered cool, sweet, spicy and slighty bitter according to Eastern Medicine.

This is the perfect tea if you’re feeling frazzled with too much to do and you feel a wave of exhaustion along with some irritability.

It’s a time of transition as we step from the carefree, hot, often highly social and outdoor focused summer energy to the gentle turning inwards and slowing down energy of fall.


I am a self-professed winter lover.

Embracing the Transition: Midlife and Menopause as a Portal.

Are You The Right Kind Of Stressed? Navigating Stress In Midlife

Discover the nuanced world of stress in midlife, where distinguishing between good and bad stress becomes essential for well-being.


Together we continue to redefine menopause, seeing this time as an empowerment. Supporting your inner peace, ways of moving, seeing, loving.

Menopause as portal to your intuitive capacity and your body's deeper knowing.  

There are 4 key components to ensuring you have healthy hormones through midlife and beyond. In this conversation, we'll explore the 4 key areas with practical, effective solutions to ensure you have healthy hormones, on going.

Unpackng the truer story and deeper meaning of midlife and menopause.